Teachers of Center

Teachers of the center

Teachers who are members of scientific board of Tarbiat Modares:

1. Professor Najme Dari

2. Professor Hayat Ameri

3.Professor Saberpur

4. Professor Khadijeh Hajian

5.Professor Zahra Abbasi


Teachers who are members of scientific board of other universities:

1. Professor Hosseini Moakhar

2. Professor Hossein Hajari


Invited teachers who aren't members of scientific board:

Tarbiat Modares Persian Language Courses

Tarbiat Modares Persian Language Courses

This course is held in  a half educational year in the form of 20 units. The purpose of the course is teaching Persian language teachers. Participants in this course should have MA. or Phd. certificate in relevant major. 

Tarbiat Modares Persian language courses subjects are chosen from the list.


دوره تربیت


Contact Us

Contact Us

Email: Zabanfarsi@modares.ac.ir

Address: Block 68, western Sharivar Alley, at the end of the northern Sin Dokht Street, western Fatemi Street, Tehran

Instagram: centerforpersianlanguage_1398

Telephone + 9821 82885110   ,    +9821 88630230  

Fax: +9821 82883613



Attendance Courses

Teaching Persian to Non-Persians Courses

This center holds its teaching courses in the form of attendance , virtual, and combined courses based on global authentic frameworks of ACTFL and CEFR and based on the protocols of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. 

Attendance Courses

Open Courses

Open Courses

These courses are held in form of one- person, semi-grouped, and grouped based on students' goals and favorite fields in different time and hours according to their levels and needs. 

دوره ها


Features and Facilities

Educational Privilege

- The best professors, teachers, authors, and instructional syllabus designers in center;

- Teaching based on communicative methods and content- based and task- based syllabuses;

- Teaching Persian by using new and up to date instructional resources and supplementary resources;

- Teaching Persian in forms of combined syllabus and multimedia;

- Tourism camping, art galleries, visiting museums, and different historical, social, and natural monuments of Iran;