Teachers' Executive-Teaching Instructions of Tarbiat Modares Persian Language Center

These regulations aim to make discipline and coordination in instructional things of the Center. Teachers must pay attention to the regulations: 

A. Teachers selection and attraction

1. The Center hires members of scientific board of Tarbiat Modares, members od scientific board of other universities, and experienced teachers. 

2. Provided lessons in different levels are considered as theoretical and practical units of university and educational scores and payment are as usual. 

3. It is contracted with teachers and members of the scientific board of other universities. 

4. Tuition contract with teachers is based on manuals and articles of the university. Collaborating with teachers is based on the evaluation of their class and teachers assembly satisfaction. This collaboration doesn't make to official hiring. 

5. Applicants of teaching Persian should fill Applicants form and send their resume with essential documents to principal or deputy of the center. 

6. The applicants will be considered in teachers assembly meeting and qualified teachers will be hired. 

7. Applicants who studied AZFA, linguistics, and Persian literature, and those who pass Tarbiat Modares workshops and taught before are in priority.



B. Educational- official regulations

1. Teachers must try to teach and control class till last session in each term. 

2. It is essential to provide a summary about pedagogical resources, course duration, methods, evaluation (includes midterm and final term and class evaluation) and pedagogical regulations of center such as absence, presence, doing homework, and disciplinary. 

3. Pedagogical content and syllabus for each subject is defined by the center and declared in the beginning of the course. Teachers are responsible to teach based on declared program. 

4. Visiting class and teaching methods of teachers is done by experts of Ministry of Science and selected experts of the center in each term. 

5. Being punctual in class and observing present time for at least one hour and half is necessary. 

6. It is necessary teachers be serious about presence and absence of the students before class. 

7. It is necessary to report more than two sequential absences. 

8. The definite time of midterm and final term is informed two weeks before exam according to teachers assembly. 

9. In case teacher can't be present in one session for any reasons, it is necessary to inform her absence and the reason for at least 24 hours before the session in order that center can find another teacher for that session. 

10. Teachers presence is necessary in midterm and final exam and he should report the grade at most 2 days after taking exam. 

11. In case of weak performance of any students during the term, it is necessary teachers provide a report about "weak students performance" to the principal of the center. Teacher is responsible to provide this form every 4 sessions . 

C. Tests and results

1. Midterm exam is taken by teacher and final exam is designed and taken by work group. In case the teacher is responsible for designing final term exam, it should be designed four days before exam in order that the principal revises and approves it. After final approval, it will be printed for center expert.

2. It is necessary to give exams papers and grades to the center expert at most 2 days after taking exam and give good advice to students about exam. 

3. It is necessary to give Absent form, final test papers and their scores to center expert at most 4 days after finishing the course.

4. The final score is up to 20 . The score in all levels includes 20 grade for class, 20 grade for midterm exam, and 40 grade for final term exam. The final exam is these grades sum divided to 4.