The First Persian Language Proficiency Test of Tarbiat Modares University Was Taken in 1399.

Persian Language Proficiency Test was taken from 32 Persian language learners from Iraq, Italy, Yemen, and the volunteers of Tarbiat Modares, Science and Technology, and Semnan Universities in Persian Language Teaching to Non-Persians Center of Tarbiat Modares on Saturday, Thursday, and Friday respectively on 27th of February, fourth, and fifth of March. Saed Bozorg Bigdeli, the head of the Persian language center, and Naser Nikoubakht, the head of the Persian language research center of Tarciat Modares, examined the test-taking process.   

Compilation, correction, and finalization of test content in two different copies cooperated with Persian language and literature research, conducting audio files, standardizing the test content, registration, various cooperation and coordination in order to taking an appropriate virtual test, and finally, taking test are some of the activities have been done in last few months.

The test has been taken in two separate stages in person and not in person. The first stage respectively includes listening part (30 questions), grammar part (30 questions), vocabulary and reading part (20 questions for each). The second stage respectively includes writing part (2 parts) and speaking part (3 parts). The most important aims of taking proficiency test was measuring language competence of volunteers in order for education in Iran universities especially Tarbiat Modares University and also measuring language level of Persian language learners after passing Persian language teaching courses in different teaching centers.

 Passing or failing in this test is not considered. Yet the received sore in two stages, the sum of both stages is declared to the volunteers according to ACTFL manual. An authoritative certificate confirmed by Ministry of Science, Research and Technology will be given to all participants.